It's Patio and Pool Season - How To Avoid That Chlorine Green Look

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Its Patio and Pool Season - How To Avoid That Chlorine Green Look

Does Pool Hair 

Got Ya Feelin' 

A Wee Green?


Patio and Pool hopping season is upon us…. and one might make us feel green, while the other might make us look green. Chlorine in all its chemical glory keeps that crystal blue pool water clear, but wreaks havoc on our lightest locks resulting in a not so pleasant green hue.


Fight the green with a once a week clarifying shampoo that will help take any unwanted chlorine tinge out of the hair while keeping the expensive colour molecules in.



Nioxin’s clarifying shampoo – great for the scalp since its from the Nioxin line as well as helps combat the green hue.


Sebastian’s Reset Anti Residue shampoo - that will take out the nasty’s and leave the hair feeling fresh. Follow with the Preset Conditioner to seal the hair again.

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